How to fix the Error 0x803fabba on Windows 10/11

The 0x803fabba error appears on Windows 10/11 when you change the motherboard, or there are significant hardware changes

How to fix the error 0x803fabba on Windows 10/11?

You try to reactivate Windows 10/11 after a hardware change to fix the error 0x803fabba

Step 1: You click Troubleshoot

Step 2: You click I changed hardware on this device recently

Step 3: You click This is the device I’m using right now=> Activate


You can watch this video to know how to fix the Error 0x803fabba on Windows 10/11

In step 3 if you see “We can’t reactivate Windows from these devices“, it means your account hasn’t license key. It has 3 abilities:

  1. You log in to the wrong account admin. You should check the account
  2. Microsoft doesn’t update the status of the old PC. You start old PC and reset it
  3. Your key was blocked. You can buy new Windows 10 Pro key here for $25/key (lifetime):

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